Does God Care About Football?

Picture this. You're watching your favorite NFL team. They're trailing 21-17 with 2 minutes left in the 4th. Your quarterback leads an incredible drive and throws a perfect touchdown pass on a fade route as time expires. The sideline reporter rushes on the field to get a post-game interview with him and the first words out of your QB's mouth are "I want to praise and thank God for this opportunity."

What's your reaction to this? Personally, I love it. But I know there are a lot of people that hate it. I've even heard people say, "I think God has more important things to worry about than a football game." If you're in that camp, I challenge you to read the following Bible passage.

O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

you discern my thoughts from far away.

You search out my path and my lying down,

and are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue,

O Lord, you know it completely...

Where can I go from your spirit?

Or where can I flee from your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, you are there;

if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.

If I take the wings of morning

and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,

even there your hand shall lead me,

and your right hand shall hold me fast...

For it was you who formed my inward parts;

who knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139 (1-4, 7-10, 13-14)

It's pretty obvious, right? You can't help but see how much God loves and cares about you even in the smallest details of your life (like a football game). The real question is, "Do you care about God?" If you do, then it's time to show it. The best way to start is by setting aside time each day to spend with God in prayer. Anyone can pray but most of us suck at it at first. For help with prayer, check out my blog post at the following link:

Immersing Yourself in the Life of the Church (Part 1: Prayer)


4 Ways to Start Soaking in Life (#1: Take Back Sunday)


The Story of the Rich Young Man